Thank You My Lord

Family gathering ‘round,
Table loaded with fresh food,
All in attendance are happy,
A loving and grateful mood.

‘Tis the goodness of our Lord,
To have such a table spread,
With meats, vegetables and pies,
Even loaves of fresh baked bread.

Joining of each and every hand,
To connect our hearts,
Thanking Jesus for allowing,
Each to share a part.

Happy hearts and healthy souls,
What more can we ask,
Of the one that gave His life,
‘Twas a burdensome task.

We are blessed in all aspects,
Granted by our Precious Master,
The Lord of all humankind,
The Giver and the Great Protector.

Gayle Davis
October 17, 2003©

This poem is used with permission
Please do not take and use without permission!
Thank you Gayle for letting me place your
wonderful work on my site... Jimmy'



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Midi playing is "Peace" from:
Thanksgiving Midi Collection

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