"And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive."
Matthew 21:22
Now I Lay Me Down . . .
 As a young child, before being tucked into bed each night, I would kneel beside my bed reciting the bedtime prayer that I had learned to memorize...... "Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord, my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord, my soul to take. God bless mommy, daddy, and so on."
I still include this little prayer at my day's end today before drifting off to sleep. But back when I was a child, I really had no clue as to the true meaning of that particular prayer. It was just something that I was taught to do.........yet it still sticks with me.
And today, I know the meaning to those words I prayed back then. I also know that the power of prayer avails much in my life! As I give thanks to God for each new morning, and thank Him at the end of each day He's gotten me through, always asking His guidance and forgiveness, my life has taken a whole new outlook. I sleep better ~ therefore, I am well rested in the new day ahead of me. I can walk throughout my day with ease, because I know that God has heard me and He walks with me.
Why not take those bedtime prayers you learned from a little child and put them back into practice once again too. Perhaps you have gone astray. Perhaps you are "too tired" at the close of your day, or "too rushed" come morning. But if you will allow yourself a few minutes with God to give him thanks for all you have and are able to achieve, you will find that your days and nights will become more "restful" and less hectic.
Take a moment, and think of all that God has done for you. He wants to know how much you appreciate Him in every thing. He deserves to hear from us through sincere and earnest prayer!
                             God hears our every prayer!


"Lord Dictated Them"





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