"Jimmy's Safe Harbor"

"Hot Biscuits and Tomato gravy"

Let’s do something very simple today for a nice easy breakfast to start off the day really great. I know you maybe have said many times, “I just can’t make biscuits that are light and tender. They always turn out heavy and tough.”

Today you will learn that you can do this and it is really easy to do. Take your time and don’t be in a rush and enjoy doing something new that the old sea Capt. Can teach you to do. Just listen up now and follow what I tell you and in about 30 mins you will have some of the best eating you could ever wish for.

Now get things together so we can get this cooking show on the road. You need some things that you most likely have and if not should be able to pick up at the corner market for very little. You need some good buttermilk. Takes good buttermilk to make good biscuits, but if you don’t have any you can still make almost as good biscuits with just milk by adding just a little vinegar into the milk and let it give it that little acid that is there in the buttermilk. Not too much now just a spoon full or so. You also need some flour and if you can find it use self risen flour. Works great and lots easier than having to use the baking powder and adding salt and just lots easier. Here just let me make you the list of ingredients to make a small batch of 8 to 10 biscuits depending on the size you make.

2 cups of self risen flour with a little extra as bench flour.
¼ cup of good oil (I use the liquid kind. so much easier to use.)
¾ cup of buttermilk or u can use regular milk also.

If your using buttermilk you need to add just a little bit extra baking powder since the butter milk is heavy the extra makes it rise better for lighter biscuits.

Place the flour in your mixing bowl and make a well in the center to place your oil and milk into. Now comes the fun stuff you get to clean your finger nails now if you need to as you mix up the dough by using your hands instead of a spoon but either works great. Be careful you don’t get the dough to wet or you can work with it very easily. If it is to dry you can add a small amount of more b/milk or just a tiny bit of water will also work. One thing now do not over work your biscuit dough or it will be tough.

There are 2 ways to make the biscuits. You can roll it out or just pinch it off and roll them in your hand.

If you roll them out an easy way in a small area is to use a heavy duty tin foil to work it on and just lightly pat it out to about ¾ inch thick and then cut your biscuits out. Oh you say you don’t have a cutter. I bet you do. Take the veggie can you opened last night for dinner and wash it out and cut the bottom out and here now you have perfect cutter. This will make about 7 to 10 biscuits depending the size and thickness.
You say you don’t have a biscuit pan. A cake pan works great. You know them round kind. They fit in most toaster ovens also so you don’t even have to warm up the kitchen with the big oven. Oh yes I almost forgot. Preheat your oven to 450 and place them in and allow about 15 mins to bake until they are golden brown. Don’t grease the pan they will come out just fine.

Now I guess you need something easy to go with them. Have you ever eaten tomato gravy? It is great with hot biscuits and you can make it while they are baking.

You need a can of tomatoes and about 2 tablespoons of flour to make a roux. And I like a couple slices of good smoked country style bacon per person. Not that wimpy super thin stuff that cooks away to nothing. Fri up the bacon and save about 2 table spoons of the bacon fat and in the pan you fried it in mix in the flour and sir it together to make a roux cooking it till it starts to turn light brown. Now start to add the tomatoes into it the roux stirring it with a wire whisk to keep it smooth and lump free. You will most likely have to add some water to thin it some also. Remember to use only cold water and whisk it in slowly so it stays with out lumps.
I like to cook some onions with the bacon but that is only according to your taste and I like black pepper and lots of garlic also but you must season it to your taste as it may well be different than mine.
Hot liquid will make lumps so always remember to use the cold stuff. Heheheheh

I sure hope that you will try this and remember to work the dough as little as you can for light tender biscuits. When you make yeast bread you have to work it a lots but not the biscuits. Good luck and I will be adding more cooking stuff soon.

Love to you all in Jesus our Lord and Savior. The only hope we have in life.
Jimmy aka jcshrimp1

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