"Jimmy's Safe Harbor"

"Get Them Running Shoes"

Hot buttered biscuits,

With Orange Marmalade,

South comes a running,

When Jimmy gets ‘em made.


It just does something to her,

Cooking by a real woman’s man,

Especially hot buttered biscuits,

Rolled out by masculine hands.


I cannot explain the effect,

But it can lift the darkest blues,

Look out Jimmy, She’s on the way,

Quick! Get them running shoes.


Hot Buttered Biscuits,

With Orange Marmalade,

Will bring out the worst in her,

Sends her into a salivating tirade.


Be on  the lookout Jimmy,

In urgent danger you stand,

South just found out the biscuit dough,

Was rolled by masculine hands.


Jimmy is putting on his shoes

Getting ready to sprint and run

He’s in such a gosh awful hurry

South heard the biscuits are done!!!!!..


An ode to two of my best friends

Love you two little buggers.

Gayle Davis©

May 29, 2004






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