God's Love


"And why beholdest thou the mote
that is in thy brother's eye,
but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
Or how wilt thou say to thy brother,
Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye;
and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?"
Matthew 7:3-4
What About Your Pocket?
    A serviceman once wrote about a moment of comedy he had witnessed in the army. It happened during a company inspection at the Redstone Arsenal in Alabama.
    The inspection was being conducted by a full colonel. Everything had gone smoothly until the officer came to a certain soldier, looked him up and down and snapped, "Button that pocket, trooper!"
    The soldier, more than a little rattled, stammered, "Right now, sir?"
"Of course, right now!" was the reply.
    Whereupon the soldier very carefully reached out and buttoned the flap on the colonel's shirt pocket. The officer had been quick to note the youngster's uniform problem, but he hadn't noticed his own. ~Author Unknown
    As I read this little story, supposedly for a smile, it reminded me of my Christian walk, and the likes of many other followers of Christ out there today. For some reason, we seem to be a little like this ~ quick to criticize.
    Faults of others always seem to stick out like a missing tooth, while our own are often hard to spot. Small specks in other people seem major, while the planks in our own eye seem excusable. Not so.
    May we all stop dwelling on the faults of others! The church needs builders and workers ~ not a wrecking crew. So, with this in mind, may we all work on our own faults, then seek to help others in a spirit of gentleness with theirs.
When you are disposed to criticize a friend,
Just remember, the beginning is not the end.
A kind heart is a fountain, overflowing with gladness.


"Lord Dictated Them"



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