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"When pride cometh, then cometh shame:
but with the lowly is wisdom."
Proverbs 11:2
"Only by pride cometh contention:
but with the well advised is wisdom."
Proverbs 13:10
The Futility of Pride
In the Book of Proverbs, pride is used two ways:
In a good sense, and in a bad sense.
In the good sense, it is admirable and necessary.
It is associated with self-respect and personal dignity.
However, we must always avoid self-contempt.
("I am nobody" is not a way to gain respect from others.)
"Praising God, and having favor with all the people"
revealed to us in Acts,
shows us that it is alright to have respect from others.
This kind of pride is acceptable to the Lord.
Now, let us take a look at the bad sense of pride,
which is associated with arrogance,
self-esteem, self-importance, and such similar vices.
Webster's dictionary defines it this way:
"The quality or state of being proud:
as inordinate self-esteem: conceit."
Let us keep pride as God wants it.
The chin and head up ~ not our nose!
The pride of life is a channel by which Satan tempts
us to sin.
(Read 1John 2:15-17)
Also in John 13 we find the disciples would not
wash one another's feet
because it would show they were inferior and
forfeit their position in the kingdom.
But Christ deflated their egos and pride by
washing their feet,
showing that He was the greatest of all and serves all!!
We see many Christians in the churches today
fighting for the top,
but very few reach for towels!
There are many today that pride destroys.
It kept Felix from obeying the gospel (Acts 24:25).
It also cost Ananias and Sapphira their lives.
Matthew 5:3 says,
"Blessed are the poor in spirit:
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
We must be willing to assume the role of beggar
to enter the kingdom of heaven.
Pride will cause us not to admit wrong or have compassion
on our fellow brothers and sisters.
It will cause us to live beyond our means (Romans 13:8).
Pride leads to rebellion (Psalm 10:4);
also apostasy (1Timothy 3:6).
An old Chinese proverb says,
"He who stands on a pedestal has no place
but to step off!"
A very wise reminder for all in a "proud" state of mind!

"Lord Dictated Them"


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