"And it shall come to pass,
that before they call, I will answer;
and while they are yet speaking,
I will hear."
Isaiah 65:24
God's R.S.V.P.
Sometimes we get invitations asking us to reply.
R.S.V.P. is a French abbreviation for
"Please Respond."
God invites us to pray,
and He promises to answer every one of our prayers.
Isaiah even tells us that sometimes
God answers even before we ask!
Although this may seem impossible,
we must always remember
that we pray to a God who is able to do all things.
God knows all our needs and wants.
Yet, He still invites us to pray
and ask any and all of them.
He is capable of granting us anything
He wants for us,
fully answering all our petitions
according to His good and gracious will.
However, God does not desire to grant
His beloved children the things that would
harm them.
So, at times He is compelled to answer "No."
BUT . . .
He always answers,
and always in our best interest,
just as a loving father will answer his child.
Sometimes "Yes,"
Sometimes "No,"
And sometimes, "Wait". . .
But always in love.
May we all learn to accept God's reply in faith
and trust in His good will.


"Lord Dictated Them"



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