"And now I come to thee;
and these things I speak in the world,
that they might have my joy
fulfilled in themselves."
John 17:13
Joyful Living
Christianity brings joy with it's salvation.
It is a religion of "joy!"
It was born in a song and has been
singing along ever since.
Pagan religions have no song
because they have no genuine joy.
They have no joy because they have no
peace or hope.
They have no peace or hope
because they have no Savior.
The Bible is resonant with Good News!
Put your ear to it and listen to the
"glad tidings of great joy."
The Lord Jesus has solved our problems:
sin and its curse,
death and its sting,
hell and its terrors.
These enemies lie at His feet.
We are adopted into His family.
He cares for us, intercedes for us,
and fights for us.
Best of all, He has prepared a place for us
in His Father's house.
If all of this does not fill us with joy and song,
something is most definitely wrong with us.
God wants us to be happy and confident.
He does not like sorrowful minds.
He loves cheerful hearts!
He sent His Son to cheer up our souls in Him!
God's Word commands us to rejoice and be glad!
May your life be filled
with the joy of salvation in Him always.


"Lord Dictated Them"



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