"And whatsoever ye do,
do it heartily, as to the Lord,
and not unto men;
Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive
the reward of the inheritance:
for ye serve the Lord Christ."
Colossians 23-24
Running Out Of Time
Much sooner than we anticipate, we will be the guest at our own funeral.
No doubt there will be relatives and friends present
to mourn us whom we haven't seen in years.
After the pastor's message,
we will be taken to the graveyard,
given a final farewell and buried.
The retirement that we spent our life working for
will be gone forever.
Remember the new car that we
worried about getting scratched?
Well, it's new owner just wrecked it!
The newlyweds that bought our house
have redecorated the
favorite room we just finished.
Our personal belongings have been
sorted through and some discarded.
The dog has made a bed out of our favorite coat.
Personal treasures that were valuable only to us
like the pressed flower, the lock of hair,
the torn picture, some special theater tickets,
have been burned as trash.
We've all attended a number of funerals
in our lifetime.
But for some reason, we just never expect to
be the one lying in the casket ourselves.
Sure, someday, but not this particular day.
Maybe tomorrow, we think, but not today.
Do you ever recall telling the Lord,
each time you thought your time was close,
"Not this time, Lord. Not today. Maybe tomorrow?"
Sooner or later, everyone runs out of time.
Paul states that everyone has an appointment with
death and then the judgment
(Hebrews 9:27).
The only time that we can decide whether or not
our death will be a blessing is today
while we are alive.
Today is the day of salvation!
Today is the day to do the Lord's work.
Whatever your hand finds to do, do it
with all of your might,
for in the grave where we are going,
there is neither working, nor planning nor knowledge
nor wisdom.
Yes, sooner or later, everyone runs out of time.
No one runs out of eternity.
SO . . .
Doesn't it make more sense to spend our time
preparing for that which will not end,
rather than squandering our time
 trying to hold on to
that which will not last?
Let's prepare ourselves for the day
we run out of time.
Be prepared to meet God!


"Lord Dictated Them"



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